Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sev-wen: HOY, GOY!!!

GOY!!! the goy who doesn't like goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to say "goy," goy--
wants the goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to pay
the goy who doesn't like goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to say "goy,"
25 cents, goy, each time the goys (who like to say "goy," goy) say "goy,"
and the goy who doesn't like goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to say "goy," goy,
hears the goys who like to say "goy," goy, say "goy," goy!!

GOY! now this goy (who likes to say "goy," goy) is gonna havta pay
the goy who doesn't like goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to say "goy," goy,
25 cents, goy, for each time this goy (who likes to say "goy," goy) says "goy," goy!!

GOY!! that means this goy (who likes to say "goy," goy) ,
who already said "goy," goy, 53 goy times, goy,
hasta pay the goy who doesn't like goys (who like to say "goy," goy) to say "goy,"
a total of 15 goy bucks, goy!!!

GOY!! make that $15.75, goy!! ahhhh gooooyy!!

Goy: a word that's a cross between "guy" and "boy," pronounced like boy, except with a G.
Here's what i just said with substitutes,
so you can understand it better:

DUDE!!! the guy who doesn't like boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to say "goy," dude--
wants the boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to pay
the guy who doesn't like boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to say "goy,"
25 cents, dude, each time the boys (who like to say "goy," dude) say "goy,"
and the guy who doesn't like boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to say "goy," dude,
hears the boys who like to say "goy," dude, say "goy," dude!!

MAAAN! now this boy (who likes to say "goy," dude) is gonna havta pay
the guy who doesn't like boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to say "goy," dude,
25 cents, dude, for each time this boy (who likes to say "goy," dude) says "goy," dude!!

DUDE!! that means this boy (who likes to say "goy," dude) ,
who already said "goy," man, 53 goy times, dude,
hasta pay the guy who doesn't like boys (who like to say "goy," dude) to say "goy,"
a total of 15 gay bucks, dude!!!

MAAN!! make that $15.75, dude!! ahhhh maaaaan!!
$16.25. Maan.

does that clarify it some, goy?

that'll cost me 22 bucks, goy.

and i ain't payin' either. goy.



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