Thursday, February 28, 2008

FIFTeN: Stopping Happy Time

so i sneak into the chemical closet-lab-whateveryoucalltheplacethechemicalsare
and i've been experimenting with them.
At first i just went there to get H2O2
to bleach my hair, but also i got sidetracked
by trying to find the catalist for breaking H2O2 down
into water and oxygen -->
cuz it would've been a good addition to my light-show chemicals
like the hydrogen, and sodium hydroxide & tetrachloroethylene
Then i kept getting distracted
by diferent things to do with the chemicals.
so one day when i was playing around with the chemicals,
(around when i joined the Food Delivering group)-->
i concocted a genius plan
to STOP Happy Time!!
it took a lotsa of testing
and a few pretty light shows accompanied by Loudloud noises
but when i came to,
i found out that one of the concoctions
was a possible candadate
(i dont know how to spell it, but you know,
it's like hillary and obabama and al gore and arnold schwarzenegger)
FOR...counteracting the Happy Shot!!!!
So now Happy Time lasts only a coupla minutes,
and then it's OVER!!!
So then i started having allll kinds of fun!
Then i told some others about it,
now we ALL haves aallll kinds of crazyfun!!!
at least, those of us who joined
the No More Happy Time for Us group.
Some people react differently to the vaccine tho,
so we had some weirdfun stuff happen.
Anyway, so it's easy to sneak around and explore now,
cuz Happy Time is s'posed to stop us
from getting Ideas,
but The Men in the White Coats don't know
about the Happy Time Vaccine.
So now that we aren't affected by Happy Time,
we founds out that the Happy Time area
is actually pretty interesting.
There's all kinds of fun stuff we can do,
cuz they didn't plan on us being able to get Ideas.
Oh yeah, one other thing:
we can't skip Happy Time every time,
cuz we can't produce enough of the vaccine for that.
so we havta schedule when everyone gets to have the vaccine.
Tomorrow is one of my days to have it (!!!!!)
and we gots some fuuuun endeavers planned!!!
anyway, the Monkey said for me to say alot in this post,
but i think i've said all i can really think of to say right now
about the No More Happy Time for Us Group,
so i guess i'll go ahead and...
say BYE BYE EeeeeeeehhhhV-ERY-BUDDEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

four-teen: my jobs

so now i gots a job
during when Nap Time and Happy Time
are s'posed to be.
i'll start be talkin bout the Nap Time job.
so earlier i mentioned that
we do stuff when we sneak out during Nap Time
and we have fun. --> -->
so i'll tell you bout some of our exploits.
we've formed kinda a group
where we do a real public service:
we feed the needy inhabitants of the Outside World--
the squirrels, wabbits, burdys, and other wild ananimals.
So we gather together and join forces
and deliver the food from the kitchen.
But then we came across a problem:
the Head Cook caught us taking the food.
but he was really nice to clarify what food we're allowed to take.
He sed we can oooonnly take the food that's in the plastic cylinder bins.
So now there's a new job in addition to Deliverer:
Food Preparer. What they do is
move the food from the fridge and cabinets
to the bins, and then it's ready to go out.
They havta do it fast tho,
or they get caught.
It's a contant effort to get the food out in time;
before we gets seen,
cuz the Head Cooks get mad when we go slow
and don't get it done before they get back.
We had lotsa people fired
cuz they didn't finish Preparing the food in time.
(of course they usually come back to work again later)
Some days i'm a Preparer, but usually i'm a Deliverer,
and i've been working since the start of summer.
I guess i'll have some stories
'bout that job later on.

NOW i'll talk about-
the Monkey sez i should
talk 'bout my other job later,
so i'll just say that it has to do
with me figuring out a way to stop
Happpy Time, even tho they still
give you the shot.
i'm quite proud of myself;
it took a longlong time figgering out
and experimenting and surreptitiousness
to accomplish it.
I g2g,
i hope the Monkey will lemme post again soon.
so byebyebyebye guys!!!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

13: The Voices and Monkey have reached a consensus

I should do a blog.
aayarrrk well ok then hmm uhhm yaaaaaah. i guess here goes now:
cuz well, the Voices have been screaming
all kinds of things at me 'bout how i should do a blog;
they've kinda slowed down for now,
but The Monkey sez it's time for me to go ahead and do it now.
...The Monkey has re-gained control....
The Monkey sez for the Voices it's quiet time now.
Now, where was i?
i guess i lost your interest by now,
but that's ok cuz it wasn't a very high %percentage anyway.

Anyway so the Men in the White Coats
never did find me, -->
cuz i found a knife and cut
my fingernails and came back as someone else.
The tree's name is still Max tho. -->
Apparently the person i came back as
gets to have RUBBER walls!!
i'm not s'posed to leave my room,
so i only do it when i'm asleep,
cuz then they aren't watching me.
It's taken some practice,
but i can now blog in my sleep.
Hopefully i'll be able to figure out
how to wake myself up after i get out,
so i can stop the Voices from talking so much
(!!!The Monkey sez stop mentionin the Voices!!!)
cuz the Voices talk more when i'm asleep.
i actually have alot to say
but i don't really know how to say it right now.
so i'll say it later.
and i WILL try to post more regularly now,
especially if you plzoplzoplz
COMMENT my blog!!
ok, well, buh-bye for now homes.

"[WARNING: Blog is extremely crazy. It is intended for entertainment only, and is not meant to represent fact or the author's mental state.]"
